Command Line Interface (CLI)

While webCOMAND functionality is typically accessed via the web, it can be useful to access some features from the CLI.

To run a CLI script, the package and CLI script name is passed to the main comand.php.


php comand.php io_comand version

The command above runs the "version" CLI script provided by the io_comand package.

CLI functionality is organized into the following packages.

  • COMAND - Get and update the webCOMAND version.
  • Login - Add/remove users and manage passwords.
  • IO - Import and export objects into and from a repository.
  • Package - Update and configure packages.
  • Repository - Create and manage repositories, including: upgrades, user management, package imports, diagnostics/repairs, refresh caches, etc.
  • Script - Manage the cScript and cTemplate dependency cache.
  • SSL - Manage and renew SSL certificates.
  • System Task - Start, stop and control the daemon, which monitors repositories for changes and communicates those changes to webCOMAND to update the web interface, as well as other processes.
  • Tools - Create UUIDs