Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions and answers have come up from time to time, so they are documented here for reference.

Clean Up Temporary Restore Database Tables

If a webCOMAND restore process fails, it can leave behind MySQL database tables with a prefix like "_r_".  Those will be cleaned up automatically next time a restore is started.  However, if a restore is not started again, they can be cleaned up with:

php comand.php io_comand_repo restore --cleanup

For more information, see Repository CLI Restore.

Adjust File Size Limits

If an error is displayed when a large file is uploaded to webCOMAND, in the Files, Repositories, Content Manager or other app, it is likely because the limits are set too low to accommodate.

The following file size limits may need to be adjusted:

  • PHP upload_max_filesize - This limit can be increased in /etc/php.ini.
    upload_max_filesize = 5G
  • PHP post_max_size - This limit can be increased in /etc/php.ini.
    post_max_size = 5G
  • webCOMAND max_upload_size (default is 2G) - This limit can be increased by adding the following to /var/www/webcomand/config.php
        'com_webcomand' => [
            'framework' => [
                'max_upload_size' => 5*1024*1024*1024 // 5GB