
Add a new path to search when looking for classes within a specific namespace.  The namespace is typically a package namespace.  If called multiple times, the path provided in the last call will be used.  It will not check previously assigned paths like other paths.


void add_namespace_path(string $namespace, string $path)


  • namespace - The namespace to load class files from a different path for.  It should be just the package namespace, without any leading or trailing slashes (ie. 'com_example_test').
  • path - A string with a single path or an array of strings for multiple paths.  Paths can be absolute or relative to the folder where the initial PHP script was loaded.  Absolute paths start with a slash ('/').  Relative paths will be rooted in the folder of the origin PHP script (the one executed by the web server or from the CLI).



\io_comand\loader::add_namespace_path('com_example', '/path/to/packages/com_example');

// Look for a class named library in a package named com_example and
// call the static method test().  The path/to/packages will be
// searched first, followed by all preexisting package paths.