cMVC Models

The cMVC Framework does not provide a model class like many other frameworks.  Instead, models are app-specific classes that extend one of the COMAND Models, like \io_comand_repo\models\Content.  Your models should extend the COMAND Model that most closely corresponds to the content type extended by the content type each model corresponds to.

Model Example

// File: packages/com_example_www/models/Contact.php
namespace com_example_www;

use io_comand_email\mail;

class Contact extends \io_comand_repo\models\Content {

     * Send an email to the contact.
    public function email($subject, $message){
        return mail::mail($this->Email, $subject, $message);

     * Override default object description.
    public function method__description() {
        return $this->Email;
