
Send data from a file to the browser.


void send_file(string $path, array $options = [])


  • path - Path to the file.  The file's contents will be sent to the browser.
  • options - Optional associative array of one or more of the following options.
    • filename - Filename for the data.  If not specified, the filename at the end of the path will be used.
    • disposition - Content-Disposition for the data.  Options are:
      • inline (default) - indicates the file should display in the web browser if possible.
      • attachment - indicates the file should download.
    • mimetype - Mime-Type to send as the Content-Type.  If not specified, it will be automatically determined from the data.
    • headers - Array of additional headers to send.  The array can be an associative array with the header as the key and value as the value, or a regular array (or numeric keys) where the value is the entire header to send.


$router = new \io_comand_mvc\router(['exit'=>FALSE]);
if(!$router->route_request()) {