Publication Record Content Type

The Publication Record content type records information about each file directly published by a publication procedure.


  • Publication - Reference to the Publication used to publish the file.  The Publication defines the Publish Path and Publish URL that can be prepended to the Filename field below, to produce the full Publish Path or Publish URL.
  • Publication DOID - The DOID of the referenced Publication object.  This may seem redundant with the previous field, but it is required to identify the object variant for dimensional publications, such as language localized publications, which are very common.  It can also be used to optimize query performance, even when variants don't exist.
  • Procedure - Reference to the Publication Procedure used to publish the file.
  • Procedure DOID - The DOID of the referenced Publication Procedure object.  This may seem redundant with the previous field, but it is required to identify the object variant for dimensional Publication Procedures (rare, but possible).  It can also be used to optimize query performance, even when variants don't exist.
  • Object - Reference to the object the Publication Procedure was publishing, when the Publication Procedure defines a List.  If the Publication Procedure does not have a List, this field will not be set.
  • Object DOID - The DOID of the referenced Object.  This may seem redundant with the previous field, but it is required to identify the object variant for dimensional object, which is very common, especially for language localized content.  It can also be used to optimize query performance, even when variants don't exist.
  • Filename - The routed filename of the file published by the publication procedure.  It will always start with a slash because it is routed and can be appended to the Publication's Publish Path (minus any trailing slash) to determine the file system path.  It can be appended to the Publication's Publish URL (minus any trailing slash) to determine the full web address.
  • Last Published - Timestamp when this file was last published.  This will be updated each time the file is published.

Publication Records are useful for a number of reasons:

  • Provides a way for the system or custom code to determine if, when and where files were published, and for what publications, procedures and objects.
  • Used by webCOMAND Form View Publication Sidebar, to display URLs and links of files published for the displayed object.
  • Can be used to determine if a published file has been renamed, so the previous file can be deleted before the Filename is updated.
  • Can be used to determine if a published file should be deleted, when the corresponding object is deleted.