collection Class

  • Namespace: io_comand_repo
  • Extends: abstract_queryable
  • Implements: IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable, evaluator, storage_result

A COMAND collection is an ordered list of objects that can be accessed like a standard PHP array.  Collections also provide additional information and methods for efficiently working with it's objects.

To access a collection like a standard PHP array, use:

  • foreach - Iterate over it's objects with foreach($collection as $object).
  • count - Count it's objects with count($collection).
  • indexes - Reference it's objects with an array index, like $collection[0].
  • append - Append an object to the end of a collection with $collection[] = $object.
  • isset - Check if an object exists at a specific offset with isset($collection[0]).
  • unset - Remove an object from a collection with unset($collection[0]).


$num_children = count($collection);
foreach($root->children() as $child) {

In addition, a collection also has properties and methods that provide information about the collection's objects, such as content type counts, and functionality to query and manipulate the collection.


  • Repo - Repository queried to retrieve the objects in this collection, and/or the repository where the objects in this collection can be saved.
  • Types - Array of associative arrays that contain aggregate information about the types of objects in the collection. KEY=Type->Identifier, VALUE=['Count'=>Integer, 'Type'=>ContentTypeObject] for objects in this collection. This information is generally useful, but is also used by the API internally to help decide how to optimize API queries and other operations.