
The get method provides access to HTTP (and HTTPS) GET query parameters.  GET parameters are made available to a web page through the URL requested.  For example, a GET parameter key "search" can be passed the value "test" with the URL http://www.example.com/script.php?search=test


string get(string $key = NULL, boolean $xss_filter = FALSE)


  • key - Name of the parameter to retrieve.  If NULL or no key is provided, an associative array of all parameters will be returned.
  • xss_filter - Optional parameter to enable the cross site scripting filter when available, which converts potentially malicious HTML tags into HTML entities.


If the GET parameter exists, the value is returned as a string, including an empty string.  Otherwise, FALSE is returned.


// retrieve the value of the "search" GET parameter from a URL like
// http://www.example.com/script.php?search=test
$request = new \io_comand_web\request();
$search = $request->get('search');