
Validate query parameters and submitted form fields.


The following example validates field values for a form submission.

// Validate field values from a form submission
$validate = new \io_comand_web\validate();
$email = $validate->request('email',
    'Invalid email address'
    echo('Email is valid');

Preparations & Validations

Any number of preparation and validation methods can be specified to prepare and validate a value.  Each is specified in an array and processed in sequence.  The first validation to fail will trigger a validation error.  If all validations are successful then the value will pass validation.

There are three ways to specify a preparation and validation methods:

  • String with name - the simplest form is to reference the preparation or validation method with a string like 'trim' or 'required'.
  • Array with class and name - Specify the class and preparation or validation method in a two-element array like [\io_comand_web\validate,'trim'].  The class can also be specified as an object of the class like [$validate,'trim'].
  • Array with class (optional), name and parameters - If a preparation or validation method takes parameters, you can provide them after the name in an array like ['min_length', 10] or [\io_comand_web\validate,'min_length',10].

Preparations and validations will be searched in the following order and the first match will be used.

  • If a class/object is specified, check the corresponding class for a validation method match.
  • If a class/object is specified, check the corresponding class for a preparation method match.
  • Check the calling class for a custom validation match.
  • Check the calling class for a custom preparation match.
  • Check for a built-in validation custom method match.
  • Check for a built-in preparation custom method match.

Built-in Preparation Methods

  • trim - trim leading and trailing whitespace, including spaces, tabs ('\t'), newlines ('\n') and carriage returns ('\r').

Built-in Validation Methods

  • alpha - Ensure a value contains only alphabetic characters.
  • card_cv - Ensure a value is a valid credit card CVV number (3-4 digits).
  • card_expire - Ensure a value is a valid credit card expiration date (MM/YYYY).
  • card_number - Ensure a value is a valid credit card number (contains 15-16 digits).
  • email - Ensure a value is a valid email address.
  • integer - Ensure a value is a valid integer.
  • min_length(length) - Ensure a value is at least a certain number of characters.
  • phone - Ensure a value is a valid phone number.
  • required - Ensure a value is specified.  More specifically, not NULL, FALSE or an empty string.
  • true - Ensure a value evaluates to TRUE.  In PHP terms, ($value == TRUE), not ($value === TRUE).
  • uuid - Ensure a value is a valid UUID in dash-separated format.

Custom Preparation Methods

A custom preparation method can be defined in any class and referenced in the list of preparations and validations.  A preparation method name must start with "prepare__".


class my_class {
    function web__submit() {
        // Validate field values with a custom preparation
        $validate = new \io_comand_web\validate();
        $phone = $validate->request('phone',
            'Invalid phone number (must contain at least 10 digits).'
            echo('Phone number is valid');

    // remove all characters except numbers
    function prepare__just_numbers($value) {
        return preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $value);

Custom Validation Methods

Similar to custom preparation methods, custom validation methods can be defined in a class by prefixing a method with "validate__".


class my_class {
    function web__submit() {
        // Validate field values with a custom preparation
        $validate = new \io_comand_web\validate();
        $phone = $validate->request('phone',
            'Invalid phone number.'
            echo('Phone number is valid');

    // verify value is a 10-digit phone number
    function validate__phone($value) {
        if($value != '') {
            if(!preg_match('/^\(?[0-9]{3}\)?[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}/', $value)) {
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;