Multi-Page Publication Tutorial
This tutorial continues the Single-Page Publication Tutorial to link our Presidents page to individual pages for each president, forming a multi-page website.
Watch the video above, or follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Create "President" Publication Procedure
Now we will create a Publication Procedure to publish a web page for each president.
- Click "Publication Procedures" under "Tutorials" in the folder tree in left panel.
- Click the New Button (
) in the right panel's toolbar.
- Enter the Identifier "President".
- Select the List "Presidents" from drop-down.
- Enter the Filename "$Number/index.html", which will produce an index.html web page file in a unique folder for each president, where the folder name is based on the president Number field value. Since the Number field is a Unique/Key, it is guaranteed to be unique for each president.
- Enter the Script:
<html> <head> <title>$Name</title> </head> <body> <h1>$Name</h1> <img src="#OUTPUT('$OID.jpg',$Photo)" /> <p>$Name was United States president number $Number.</p> <p><a href="#LINK(Presidents)">Back to List</a></p> </body> </html>
- Click Approve.
Update "Presidents" Publication Procedure
Now that we have an individual page for each president, we will link to them from each president listed on the Presidents page.
- Click "Publication Procedures" under "Tutorials" in the left panel.
- Click "Presidents" in the right panel.
- Edit the Script to read:
<html> <head> <title>Presidents</title> </head> <body> <h1>Presidents</h1> <ol> #LIST(Presidents) <li value="$Number"> <a href="#LINK(President,$Number)">$Name</a> </li> #ENDLIST </ol> </body> </html>
- Click Approve.
Update and Publish "Presidents" Publication
Finally, we need to add the Publication Procedure for individual contact pages to our Publication and publish.
- Click "Publication" under "Tutorials" in the left panel.
- Select Publication Procedure "President" in addition to "Presidents".
- Click Publish
- Click "index.html" in the Notification Side Bar.
You can now navigate to individual president pages and back.