webCOMAND Endpoints

webCOMAND provides a few endpoints to launch apps, access content field values, including icons and images, and download webCOMAND UI icons.

Each endpoint described below begins with a URL like:



Some endpoints must include a session cookie for a valid active user session.  In other words, some endpoints are meant to be included in web apps that utilize the Users Framework, so the web app user's browser sends a corresponding session cookie automatically.

Some endpoints may require a user session or even specific user authorizations.  Make sure to meet all documented requirements if you receive an "unauthorized" response.


Launch the webCOMAND User's default app.  Must be logged in.


Request an object's field value.  The response will send the file or value in its native format.

/com_webcomand/view/<object OID, DOID or UUID>/<field OID/DOID or method>
  • object - OID, DOID (end with a 'D') or UUID of the object that contains the field value to view.
  • field OID/DOID or method - OID or DOID (end with a 'D') of the field within the object that contains the value to view, or an object method, including the following:
    • icon - Handler for downloading an icon from the main framework (i.e. resized repository object icon). Serves the file in its native format with the attachment content disposition that prompts the browser to download.
    • image - Request an object's image based on the object's Content Type Image method, as covered in Rich Text Settings.
    • key - Request an object's key.  Must be logged in.
    • summary - Request an object's summary.  Must be logged in.
    • description - Request an object's description.  Must be logged in.
    • keywords- Request an object's description.  Must be logged in and authorized.

URL Query Sting Parameters

The following optional URL query parameters may also be specified:

  • download - Respond with a Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<filename> header.
  • size - For an image field, ensure the image will fit within the specified dimensions, scaling the image down proportionally if needed.  Dimensions are specified in <width>x<height> format.  An unspecified or zero width or height will be interpreted as unbounded (no limit).
  • grid - Optional box width/height of checkered grid to display in transparent areas of the image (a single numeric value).
The response will be cached to improve performance.  The request must meet the field cache settings, as defined in the field's Cache option.
  • No Caching: No caching will be performed for this field.  The request must be from a browser of a webCOMAND user that is logged in an authorized to access the field.
  • Secure (Session) Caching: Cached data will be available for valid webCOMAND users in an active browser setting.  Any webCOMAND user that is logged in will have access.
  • Insecure (Public) Caching: Data is cached and available publicly through a URL; no session information or user authorizations are checked.


Display the list of CSS classes that can be used to access the icons available through the webCOMAND font.


To access these classes, link to the webCOMAND styles with:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://<account>.webcomand.com/com_webcomand/css/styles.css" />