webCOMAND Header

The Header provides access to frequently used features and content. A responsive design makes the best use of the screen size, whether on a desktop, tablet or phone.

Desktop (landscape >768px)

Tablet (landscape <=768px)

Phone (portrait <=320px)

Header Components

The header is made up of five components.

  • Logo - display/hide dashboard
  • Quick Links - monitor and access apps and content
  • Help - view webCOMAND and active app documentation
  • User Menu - change user information and settings


The webCOMAND logo always appears on the far left of the header and can not be moved or customized so that users can count on it to access the Dashboard at any time.

Quick Links

Quick Links immediately follow the logo, and can be completely customized per user. Each Quick Link has the following fields, which are used to customize their look and function.

  • Title - The name that represents the quick link and appears below the icon in the header, and, if the Quick Link has contents, the title is displayed above the contents in the Dashboard.
  • Description - The optional description is displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the Quick Link in the header.
  • Icon - The image that will be displayed in the header to represent the quick link and appears before name in the Dashboard.
  • cPath - cPath to the object or collection this Quick Link represents.
    • Objects - If the cPath resolves to an object, the Quick Link represents that single object, and when clicked will "open" the object.
    • Collections - If the cPath resolves to a collection, the Quick Link represents a collection of objects, and when clicked will display those objects in a drop-down.
  • Condition - An optional cQL expression that will be used to determine the number or symbol that will appear to the upper left of the icon. The expression will be evaluated on the cPath object or collection. If it evaluates to TRUE for a cPath object, an exclamation point will be displayed to the upper left of the icon, to alert the user to a change to the object that has not been reviewed yet. If it evaluates to TRUE for one or more objects of a cPath collection, the number of objects that evaluated to TRUE will be displayed to the upper right of the icon to indicate how many objects in the collection are in the state of interest to the user.
  • Open With - A reference to an App that will be used to open the object or objects the cPath references. If no App is referenced, and the cPath resolves to an App object or collection of Apps, the App itself will be launched when clicked.
  • Position - The index of the Quick Link in the header from the left.

A user's Quick Links are stored in the Quick Links field of the User Settings object that is an attribute of the active User in webCOMAND.

Each Quick Link's cPath and Condition is re-evaluated periodically to update their visual status in the header, and each time the Dashboard or collection Quick Link is opened (or if the Logo is clicked from the Dashboard when no App is active).


Contextual Help (based on what is displayed and "focused" in interface), App Help TOC, webCOMAND Help.

User Menu

The user menu provides access to a User's information, settings and interface options.

  • Options - Opens a dialog box with the following options.
    • Login - Specifies what user will see upon login: Dashboard, a specific App, or the last active App.
    • Logout - Automatically logout when: some amount of time elapses, browser is closed, manually logged out.
    • Theme - Interface Theme to use, if user is authorized to change the theme.
    • Reset Quick Links - Resets the user's quick links based on their user role(s).
    • Reset User Settings - Remove all user settings associated with this user, effectively setting all options back to their default value.
  • Change Password - Opens a dialog box with old, new and repeat password fields
  • Edit Profile - Opens a dialog box with user object form, which can be used to edit all of the above in form view, if authorized.
  • Logout