Configure how the path returned by #OUTPUT() and #LINK() will be prefixed.


#PATHTYPE(string $prefix) ... #ENDPATHTYPE


  • prefix - How to start the path returned by #OUTPUT() and #LINK(), specified as one of the following values.
    • Relative (default) - Produce a relative path from the current publish path (or #PATHFROM()).  The path will be prefixed with one or more '../' if needed to traverse up a directories.
    • Root - Produce a rooted path from the Publication's Publish URL (ie. /).
    • Absolute - Produce a full URL starting with the Publication's Publish URL (ie. https://www.example.com/).


This statement does not return a value or produce output.

Path Example

 * Create three URLs that will all correctly link to the same file:
 * css/test.txt
 * /css/test.txt
 * https://www.example.com/css/test.txt
    #OUTPUT('css/test.txt','This is a test.')
    #OUTPUT('css/test.txt','This is a test.')
    #OUTPUT('css/test.txt','This is a test.')
