cTemplate Publications

When a cTemplate is processed in the context of a publication, such as during a publish or preview, Publication Variables are available and the behavior of #LINK() and #OUTPUT() can be customized.

Global Publication Variables

For information about the global publication variables, see cTemplate Global Variables.

URL Processor

If the Publication specifies a URL Processor, it will be called each time #LINK() and #OUTPUT() are called to process and potentially modify the resulting URL.

The URL Processor field in a Publication is a fully qualified (namespaced) PHP class that can be loaded by the auto-loader.  For example, \com_example_www\url_processor.

The following methods may be implemented in the class to override the default URLs produced by #LINK() and #OUTPUT().

  • process_absolute($state, $shared, $path) - Return a string with the absolute URL.
  • process_relative($state, $shared, $path) - Return a string with the relative URL.
  • process_root($state, $shared, $path) - Return a string with the rooted URL.

Remove index.html

One URL Processor comes with webCOMAND because it is commonly used by Publications to remove the optional /index.html from the end of URLs.  To utilize it:

  1. Open the desired Publication.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. Enter the URL Processor: \io_comand_publication\url_processors\remove_index
  4. Click Approve

In addition to the URL Processor, you may also want to configure the web server to redirect URLs that end with /index.html to the URL without equivalent /index.html at the end.  To do this on Apache web server, add an .htaccess file to the Document Root with the following lines.

RewriteEngine on

# redirect index.html URLs to their parent root (/)
RewriteRule ^(|.*/)index\.html$ /$1 [R=301,L]