webCOMAND 3 Roadmap

The following key features will be added in webCOMAND 3.x releases.

Features are checked below as they are completed for internal testing.  Once released, they are moved to webCOMAND Releases.

Improve File Support (3.10)

Improve how webCOMAND and the repository support and integrate with traditional files.

  • Improve Storage Efficiency - Automatically detect and "de-dupe" identical files stored within a repository, across content, revisions and variants.
  • External File Support - Add option to store file data outside of a repository, at a supported URL, including the local file system (file:///), the web (https://), FTP (ftp:// and sftp://), object storage (s3://), and remote repositories (comand://).
  • Large File Support - Support files larger than 256MB in repositories and the Files App, through External File Support (previous bullet).
  • File Records - Track files produced by Publications and Packages (File Settings) to:
    • Automatically delete files no longer produced by a Publication or Publication Procedure.
    • Provide options to delete files associated with a Publication or Publication Procedure.
    • List Publication and Publication Procedure that produced a file in the Files App.
    • List files produced by a Publication Procedure and content item in Form View.
  • File+ Fields - Add UI for simple drag-and-drop, re-order and removal of one or more File objects for fields with a field type of a content type that extends File.
  • File+ View - Add cPath View to display and manage File objects more easily, with a large file preview for common file types that can be displayed and in some cases edited in web browsers (plain text, mark-up, source code, rich text, images, audio, video and PDFs) while maintaining easy upload/download and modification of filename and metadata.  Update the Files App to mirror this new view for files in the file system.
  • Text Field Improvements - Add maximize, auto-format and find/replace options to Plain Text and Source Code data type fields.
  • File Integrations - New feature to map File Types to Content Types so that when files in the file system under the webCOMAND Files folder are added, updated or removed, a corresponding cObject will be added, updated or removed from the repository under a corresponding Folder+.

Calendar View / Tasks App (3.11)

Add a new view to display objects that have dates and timestamps on a calendar, and add a new app to help manage Scheduled Tasks and review System Tasks, which will heavily utilize the new view.

  • Calendar View - View any collection of objects that contain a date or timestamp on a day, week or month calendar view.  When multiple date/duration fields exist, it will be possible to select the start and end/duration fields to influence how the objects appear on the calendar.
  • Tasks App - View and manage Scheduled Tasks and review System Tasks on a Calendar View.

Improve Import/Export (3.12)

Enhance existing import and export functionality.

  • Import/Export as System Task - Large import/export can take time to process, so they should leverage the new simplified background-task option to run as background System Tasks to avoid timeouts.
  • Export deep cJSON by default - The default behavior when exporting a collection of heterogeneous objects to cJSON from the UI should be to include all of the objects fields and embedded children and reference.  This currently requires edits to the cPath, which many end-users would require additional support to make.
  • Export from Object - Add export object option to top-right options in the object toolbar, so it is easier to export a single object (currently requires selecting the one object from a collection).
  • Export Packages - Related to the previous two items above, it should be possible to quickly and easily export a package and its contents from the Package+ object.
  • Import ID Matching Options - Add options to modify how IDs (ID, OID, DOID, UUID) are matched during import from its default behavior.
  • Export/Import Settings - Enhance Export Settings to enable mapping fields to arbitrary names/headings in exports, and add support to leverage these same or similar settings for imports.
  • Improve Performance - Large and complex imports can be slow.  Improve performance.
  • Improve Error Reporting - Provide additional context when errors occur to make it easier to track down the issue in the source file.  Also add import option to determine how certain issues are handled, as a critical errors that will halt/rollback the import, or non-halting errors, warnings, and/or notices.