webCOMAND 4 Roadmap

The following key features will be added in webCOMAND 4.x releases.

Refine webCOMAND UI & Core Apps (4.0)

  • App-Focused Header
    • Top-left icon becomes active app menu (left icon in header).
    • Active app title appears after app menu/icon when there is room.
    • Move Apps menu to right sidebar as full-height cPath View with search and view option.
  • Content App - Merge Bases and Content Manager into Content App, as detailed in mock-up.
    • The Content App icon will be the webCOMAND Logo to maintain the current look when in the Content App (typically the default app).
    • The Content App menu will slide in/out the left panel (especially useful on Mobile).
    • Remove left "gutter" menu.  Instead, Bases becomes the initial view in the Content App with navigation back to it in left panel title bar.  The API is just a separate app.  Other planned plugins will also be implemented as separate apps in the future.
    • Add option to add a Base from Template (from Market).
    • Add option to add a Content Type from Template (from Market).
    • Refine Content Type Editor (CTE) with floating Add Field button and "bake stage" shaded look to clearly differentiate from Form View.
    • Add shortcuts to CTE modes to optional right toolbar in Form View, including: Edit Field, Edit Type, Edit cTemplates and new Edit Model mode that makes it easy to add/edit a content type's PHP model.
    • Add optional right toolbar to collection views, and include CTE shortcuts when collection is for a single content type.
  • Improve Repositories App
    • Add options to initialize, replicate and manage multiple repository and backups from the user interface and CLI.
    • Add feature to review revisions and their corresponding changes.

Market (4.1)

Preliminary Market App to make it possible to:

  • Find - Browse and search all webCOMAND packages in a simple "store" view.
  • Manage - Download, install, update and remove packages from package page.
  • Auto-Update - Ability to subscribe to a package channel (e.g. "none", "stable", "release candidates", "nightly builds") for automatic updates.
  • Purchase - Ability to purchase one-time and subscription packages, with credit card.

Method UIs (4.2)

Add Method UIs, which are essentially buttons in the UI that provide access to content type method calls.  When a method takes parameters, a form view will display where the parameters can be specified using the standard form widgets that match the parameter field types.

File / Content Interchange (4.3)

Add features to make it easier to import and export Files/Content in to and out of a repository.

  • File Types - Add File Types Content Type, which define how to import/export files to a specific Content Type, with support for multiple (a single default and optional Content Types).
  • Drag-and-drop In - Update Tree, List, Grid and Form views to accept drag-and-drop files, to automatically import into the target folder or field.  If a File is dragged to a Content Type within Tree View, it will import to that Content Type, even if it is not the default for the file type.
  • Drag-and-drop Out - Update Tree, List and Grid views to support dragging objects/folders out to the desktop, which will trigger the download of an export (zip of files for a folder).  Will fallback to cJSON export if no Data Format is defined.
  • File System Monitor - Add daemon process to monitor the file system for updates and automatically update mapped repository content.

Content & File Sync (4.4)

Improve performance, reliability and options of import, export and sync (Pull Settings) functionality.

  • Content Sync - Add content sync web service and web hook to make it easy to monitor and be notified of changes to a repository, collection or query results (including a batch of queries), as well as receive and apply those changes to another repository or data store.
  • File Sync - Add file sync web service and web hook to make it easy to monitor and be notified of changes to a file system or folder (recursively), as well as receive and apply those changes to another system.  "Dropbox for webCOMAND".
  • Repositories App - Add features to define on-going sync operations to replicate and sync live/fail-over systems.
  • Content App - Add features to define one-time and on-going sync of content collections within a repository.  Master, slave and bi-direction sync options, as well as general rules for how to automatically resolve conflicts, and email conflict notifications that may require manual attention or intervention.
  • Files App - Add features to define one-time and on-going sync of files and folders.

Improve Views (4.5)

  • Version Control - Improve user experience for version control, including:
    • Optional content-level locking (instead of just per field locking).
    • Restore previously deleted content (aka "undelete").
    • Allow authorized users to approve, save and cancel content and fields updated and still locked by other users.
  • Collaboration - Improve collaboration features with contextual notes/messages in RTE and object sidebar, and add simple messaging features to main webCOMAND Profile sidebar.
  • Performance - Improve performance of the various collection views (List, Grid, Tree, Gallery, Map and Calendar), including search.  Load all views quickly, even for collections of millions of items, with efficient server-side clustering in Map and Calendar views.
  • Dynamic UI - Improve daemon, web socket server and all views to dynamically update to reflect repository changes more efficiently and thoroughly.

Page View (4.6)

Add new View for SitesWebPage+ (or anything with a List Field of SiteComponent+), which "renders" Sections of the Web Page into WYSIWYG editable sections in the view.  Click a section to display the corresponding Section object in Form View in the right sidebar.  The rendered section comes from the component's EditHTML content type cTemplate, which can add a custom menu and editing features, such as inline Rich Text Editor for Rich Text, drag-and-drop files for Rich Text and Image, Image and Attachment components.  More inline editors will be added in the future.