Users App

The Users App helps administrators manage Users, User Roles and login features for webCOMAND, websites and apps.


Launch Users App

To launch the Users App:

  1. Sign In to webCOMAND.
  2. Click "APPS" in upper-left.
  3. Select "Users".


A user account is required to access most webCOMAND features and apps.  Each user must have a:

  • Username - Can be the same as their email address.
  • Email - Email address used to notify and contact the user.
  • First & Last Name - Name to help others identify the user within the system.
  • Password - Allows the user to login and gain secure access the CMS and its features.
  • Active State - A user must be active to login.  Inactive users can not login or access the system, even if information about them remains in the system.
  • Authorizations - A user's permissions within the system are determined by:
    • System Administrator - User's with System Administrator checked have full access to all content and features of the system.  Only the primary account administrator and highly trusted individuals should be System Administrators.
    • User Roles - All other users must be assigned one or more User Roles in order to gain access to system features and content.

User Roles

A User Role defines a set of authorizations that can be associated with users to grant them access to specific system features and content.  Authorizations may include:

Content Access

Define access to content by type, in the repository, specific bases and/or folders.

Users - Content Access

  • Mode - The content authorizations mode can be switched between repository, bases and folders on the left.  Authorizations on the right are set according to the selected mode.  Authorizations set in repository mode apply to content in any (or no) folder or base.
  • Base/Folder Privileges
    • View - Check the view option to the right of a base or folder on the left to allow the user to see and browse it within the Bases and Content Manager apps.
  • Content Type Privileges
    • View - Content of this type will be visible in webCOMAND and query results.
    • Edit - Content of this type can be modified.  Content Fields can be further refined for fine-grain control of individual fields.
    • Add - Content of this type can be added in this folder.
    • Remove - Content of this type can be removed from this folder.  The Delete Type Privilege under Content Fields is required to be able to delete content of this type.
    • Save/Preview - Content of this type can be saved/previewed.
    • Approve/Publish - Content of this type can be approved/published.
    • Restore - Content of this type can be restored from a previous version, typically from the Versions sidebar.
    • Inherit - Only available in folder mode.  If checked, these privileges will also apply to sub-folders recursively.
    • Fields - Select which fields a user should be able to see and/or edit.

Content Fields

Define which fields can be seen and edited for a specific content type.  These privileges apply to all content of the type, no matter which base or folder they are accessed from.

Users - Content Fields


  • Read - This field's values can be seen/queried by this user.
  • Write - This field's values can be modified by this user in any folder this user also has Edit Content Type Privilege in.


Assign privileges to features and functionality, such as which webCOMAND Apps can be launched.

Users - Privileges

Websites and apps may have their own specific privileges, in addition to leveraging common privileges shared across websites and apps.  Each app or package with privileges defined will be listed on the left.