
Bases offer many ways to connect your content that make it more valuable and easier to work with.

  • Group - Organize content in folders and fields.
  • Categorize - Organize content into categories, taxonomies and other structures.
  • Tag - Tag content for more relaxed free-form associations.
  • Relate - Make one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.
  • Link - Rich text fields can link to other content in the form of text hyperlinks, images and more.
  • Hierarchies - Folder and content tree hierarchies make it easier work with complex content.
  • Variants - Work with content variations, such as language translations, formats and channels.


Content can be grouped in folders and fields.


Folder Tree ScreenshotLike traditional files, content can be organized in folders and sub-folders to form a folder hierarchy.  Content folders are managed in the Content Manager (CMS) App.

Content can be added to multiple folders using the Link option in the Collection Toolbar making it easy to access and manage the same content from multiple folders.

Content is typically unordered within a folder and automatically displayed alphabetically, by date, or other appropriate order.  However, it is also possible to manually order specific content types within folders when the content is filtered by that type.

To manually order a content type in folders, check Content Type Editor > Edit Type Sidebar > Advanced > Orderable.


More restricted and specific collections of content can be grouped within fields.  For example, slides within a slideshow.

Field Group Screenshot

A field to group content is added from the Content Type Editor > Add Field > Relationship > Edit Field Sidebar > List option.  Optionally, the items can also be configured to be manually ordered for the field from the Edit Field Sidebar > Advanced > Orderable.


Categories are a formal set or hierarchy of labels assigned to items that define common characteristics.

Category Field Screenshot

To accomplish this, add a content type that represent the category, including if it should be hierarchical.  Then, add a field relationship to that content type, which can be limited to a single category or allow multiple with the List option.


Tags are used to a establish an informal content categorization system.

Tag Field Screenshot

Tags are set up like a field that allows multiple categories, except the Allow Add option is checked, which enables a tag-style user interface for input.


Content relationships are used to link or embed content items within another.  They connect a content item to a Single item (one-to-one) or List of items (one-to-many).


Links are loosely bound to the item they belong to.  The linked item is independent and typically exists on its own in the Base.  When content is deleted, its links are removed, but the items they link to are not removed.  A copy and paste operation will create a copy of the links, but not a copy of the items they link to.

Link fields can be configured with the Allow Add option checked, which makes it easy to add and link new content items from Form View.  The new content item may only be referenced by this one link, and optionally linked to a Folder or Base if configured to do so.  However, content operations will still treat the link like any other, which means the linked content will remain, even after the content item that linked to it is deleted.  If it was not linked to a Folder or Base, it may be difficult or impossible to access, depending on your user authorizations.


Embeds are tightly bound to the item they belong to.  When content is deleted, its embedded content will be deleted as well.  A copy and paste operation will create a copy of all embedded content as well.  This simplifies content management operations and authorizations for content that will always belong within a content item and therefore be treated as one greater item for most operations.


Links connect rich text to other content items, typically in the form of published web pages, images or other web content.

RTE Link Dialog

Links are automatically available within any Rich Text field.  Add a Rich Text field from Content Type Editor > Add Field > Data > Rich Text.  For information about working with links, see Rich Text Editor and Rich Text Links.


Hierarchies provide a more intuitive way to manage and query content organized into a tree structure.  Three types of hierarchies are possible in webCOMAND.

Folder Hierarchies

Folder hierarchies are formed by adding a folder within a folder from the Content Manager (CMS) App.  Folder hierarchies are a great way to organize content, especially when it will be helpful to apply authorizations and settings to folders within the hierarchy to simplify complex security schemes.

Tree View

Content Hierarchies

Content items related to others of the same type can form drag-and-drop hierarchies.  For example, web pages within a website, or pages within a documentation project.

Tree View - Content

Content hierarchies are set up with a relationship field, from the Content Type Editor > Add Field > Relationship > Edit Field Sidebar > Single option.  To form a content hierarchy, the field must be the first field in the content type with the Show option checked from Edit Field Sidebar > Appearance > Show.

Embedded Content

Embedded content refers to content items that belong within another item through an embed relationship field.  Embedded content is tightly bound to the item they belong to.  For example, when a content item is deleted, its embedded content will be deleted as well.  A copy and paste operation will create a copy of all embedded content as well.  This simplifies many content management tasks and authorizations.

Embedded content implies hierarchy, in that embedded content falls under the item it belongs to.  Embedded hierarchies can support any depth when embedded content contains its own embedded content, and so on.  For example, a Web Page could embed Sections, and a Slideshow section could  embed Slides.  When the Web Page is deleted, so are its Sections, including the Slideshow and its Slides.

Embedded content is set up from the Content Type Editor > Add Field > Relationship > Edit Field Sidebar > Embed option.


Variants make it possible to organize and manage multiple variations of a content item together.  For example, a Web Page may have an English and Spanish language variant.

Variants can be added and configured by developers using Dimensions.