
Bases offer a level of security not available in traditional databases and content management systems.  Content Authorizations are fine-grained and applied by content type and/or folder, both of which can be inherited.

User Roles

Authorizations can be defined by User Role.  Users can then be associated with one or more User Roles, and even individual authorizations, which are combined for individualized authorizations.

This approach makes it easy to manage large groups of users with mixed and matched capabilities.

Fine-Grain Authorizations

Authorizations include browse, read, create, edit, delete and order for content items, as well as show, read and write per field.

Search, Query and APIs

Authorizations not only apply to the web interface, but also to free-form search and query results and at the API level.  This makes it possible to give users and systems access to free-form query and search features and APIs while maintaining tight security controls.  This level of security is unique to Bases.

Admins can set up Users and User Roles with the Users App.