Rich Text Editor
Rich Text fields display toolbars and a WYSIWYG input to format text and insert links, images and other elements. The options available are field-specific and may be restricted to improve consistency.
The complete set of toolbar options that may be available is listed below. Toolbar option names are followed by keyboard shortcuts in parenthesis below when available.
Text Styles
- Styles - Set the style of the selected text or element(s).
- Font - Set the font used to style the selected text.
- Size - Set the height of the text font in pixels.
- Text Color - Set the color of the text.
- Background Color - Set the background color behind the selected text to produce a highlighted text effect.
Clipboard & Text Processing
- Cut (Ctrl+X) - Cut the selected text and/or elements to the (operating system) clipboard.
- Copy (Ctrl+C) - Copy the selected text and/or elements to the (operating system) clipboard.
- Paste (Ctrl+V) - Paste any text and/or elements in the (operating system) clipboard at the cursor position.
- Paste Plain Text (Ctrl+Shift+V) - Paste as plain text (without formatting).
- Undo (Ctrl+Z) - Undo the last change to the rich text.
- Redo (Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z) - Redo the previous undo operation.
- Find - Search the rich text input for matching text.
- Replace - Replace individual or all instances of some text with different text.
Editor Controls
- Source - Reveal the underlying HTML source code behind the rich text. When in Source mode, the source can be modified directly, but all formatting controls will be disabled. Click again to switch back to standard view. Depending on the field configuration, custom elements and attributes may be forbidden and will be removed when Source mode is toggled.
- Maximize - Expand the rich text toolbars and input to the full web browser area.
- Bold (Ctrl+B) - Format the selected text to be strong, typically styled as bold.
- Italic (Ctrl+I) - Format the selected text for emphasis, typically styled as italics.
- Underline (Ctrl+U) - Format the selected text with a single underline.
- Strikethrough - Format the selected text with a single strikethrough line.
- Subscript - Format the selected text to appear shifted below standard text.
- Superscript - Format the selected text to appear shifted above standard text.
- Remove Format - Clear any styles within the selected text.
- Copy Format (Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V) - Copy the style and format from source text to destination text.
- Left - Align the selected text to the left margin
- Center - Align the selected text to the center.
- Right - Align the selected text to the right margin.
- Justified - Align the selected text to the left and right margins, adding spacing between characters as needed.
Bullets & Indenting
- Numbered List - Insert a numbered list of items.
- Bulleted List - Insert a bulleted list of items.
- Decrease Indent (Shift+Tab) - Unindent the selected bullet(s) up one level (left).
- Increase Indent (Tab) - Indent the selected bullet(s) down one level (right).
- Block Quote - Indent the selected text to represent a quote.
Insert Elements
- Image - Insert an image at the current typing cursor position. The image must be managed in webCOMAND and your user must have read access to the image.
- Table - Insert a table with rows and columns at the current typing cursor position.
- Horizontal Line - Insert a horizontal line at the current typing cursor position.
- Special Characters - Insert a special character, such as an accented character or symbol at the current typing cursor position.
- Link (Ctrl+L or Ctrl+K) - Link the selected text to a web page and/or anchor.
- Unlink - Unlink the selected linked text.
- Anchor - Insert an anchor that can be linked to as #<anchor name>, where <anchor name> is the name of the anchor as entered when it was created.
Context Menu Options
Right-click on text or an object (eg. image, table cell) to display related options.
To access the standard browser context menu, including spellcheck suggestions and options, hold down the CTRL key while you right click the mouse. As an alternative, place the typing cursor where you would like and hold down the following keys CTRL+SHIFT+F10.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are available in addition to the ones listed above in parenthesis.
- Home – Move the typing cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Ctrl+Home – Move the typing cursor to the beginning of the document.
- End – Move the typing cursor to the end of the line.
- Ctrl+End – Move the typing cursor to the end of the document.
- Page Down – Scrolls down the document, approximately by the length of the editing area.
- Page Up – Scrolls up the document, approximately by the length of the editing area.
- Enter – Insert a new paragraph at the typing cursor.
- Shift+Enter – Insert a new line break at the type cursor.
- Shift+Ctrl+3 – Add paragraph before a problematic element such as an image, table or <div> element that starts or ends a document, list, or even adjacent horizontal lines.
- Shift+Ctrl+4 – Add paragraph after a problematic element such as an image, table or <div> element that starts or ends a document, list, or even adjacent horizontal lines.
- Backspace / Delete – Delete a character before/after the typing cursor.
- Ctrl+Backspace / Ctrl+Delete – Delete a word before/after the typing cursor.
Clipboard (Cut, Copy and Paste)
- Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete – Cuts a text fragment to clipboard.
- Ctrl+C – Copies a text fragment to clipboard.
- Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert – Pastes a text fragment from clipboard.
- Shift+Ctrl+V – Pastes content from clipboard as plain text.
Text Select
- Ctrl+A – Selects all document contents.
- Shift+Arrow – Selects a text fragment by letters.
- Ctrl+Shift+Arrow – Selects a text fragment by words.
- Shift+Home – Selects a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Shift+End – Selects a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the line.
- Ctrl+Shift+Home – Selects a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the document.
- Ctrl+Shift+End – Selects a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the document.
- Shift+PgDn – Selects a text fragment of approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going down.
- Shift+PgUp – Selects a text fragment of approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going up.
Text Styling
- Ctrl+B – Applies bold formatting to a text fragment.
- Ctrl+I – Applies italics formatting to a text fragment.
- Ctrl+U – Applies underline formatting to a text fragment.
Copy Formatting
- Ctrl+Shift+C – Copies the inline formatting from a text fragment and enables the sticky mode.
- Ctrl+Shift+V – Applies the previously copied inline formatting to a text fragment.
- Esc – Disables the sticky mode.
Rich Text
- Ctrl+L or Ctrl+K – Opens the Link dialog window.
- Tab – Indents a list.
- Shift+Tab – Outdents a list.
Context Menu
- SHIFT+F10 - Display custom Rich Text Editor context menu (same as right-click).
- CTRL+SHIFT+F10 - Display native browser context menu (same as CTRL+right-click), including spellcheck suggestions and related options.