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webCOMAND 2.48 Released

COMAND Systems released webCOMAND 2.48 today.  The new version dramatically improves the rich text editor with significant new functionality.


New rich text editor features include:

  • Custom Stylesheets - The rich text editor can now apply one or more custom stylesheets to the editor's text area.  The styles provide content editors with an instant in-editor preview that can mirror website styles or highlight/hide features and code in the text.
  • Custom Classes - Custom stylesheet classes can be added to the Format drop-down for content editors to apply to their text, similar to how a styles are applied in popular word processors.
  • Custom Toolbars - A custom set of toolbar buttons can be defined to only display the buttons and features useful for a specific content type field.  Simplify the rich text editor for fields where most options are overkill, or expand the toolbar to expose less-commonly used features where needed.
  • Improved Font Control - Format, Font and Size drop-downs now provide visual previews of each selection, making it easier for editors to find the right option.
  • New Insert Toolbar Buttons - The new insert button consolidates a couple of existing features with a few new ones to provide an intuitive interface to insert Horizontal Rules, Symbols, Containers (divs), Positioned Containers (absolute positioned divs) and Tables.  The new insert drop-down is now the default rich text editor toolbar option, but the individual options can be added with the new toolbar customization feature.
  • Toggle Invisible Guidelines - Display or hide dotted lines around invisible containers (divs) and table cells.
  • View Text Cursor Path - Reveal text formats applied to text at the current text cursor position or selection.  This is especially helpful when attempting to position the text cursor just inside or outside of a formatted range.
  • Toolbar Control States - Toolbar drop-downs and buttons, such as Format, Font, Size, Bold, Text Alignment and Bullets, indicate what formats have been applied to text at the current cursor position or selection.


Rich text editor stylesheet and toolbar customizations can be applied per content type field and content folder, offering control of options and styles for specific sets content records.

Content form validation now extends to subcontent.   Previously, only data type field values could be validated.  Now the entire content record, including content type fields and their subcontent can be validated.

New $SystemYear, $SystemMonth and $SystemDay global variables have been added to simplify control of course-grain date-based dependencies.  For example, $SystemYear can be used to insert the current year after the copyright symbol in a website footer.  Unlike the traditional $SystemDate variable, whose dependency changes each day, the $SystemYear dependency will only change when the year changes.   The new variables are available to all COMAND Script fields.

A number of minor improvements and fixes are also included:

  • Form help has been added to several interface forms, including the User, User Role and Publication Procedure forms.  The Publication Procedure form has also been rearranged to be more intuitive.
  • Empty Publication Procedure List publication Warnings have been "demoted" to Notes because they are potentially expected and valid.  #WARNING can be used to manually add empty list notifications to a publication procedure where desirable.
  • The Information icon (i) and Publication Procedure links have been fixed in auto-publish publish reports (the icon now uses the default theme icon).
  • List View hierarchy lines now connect properly, no matter the height of each list view row.

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