webCOMAND 3.0.18 Released
We are excited to announce the release of webCOMAND 3.0.18. This release includes many bug fixes and some new features supporting developers using webCOMAND to build applications and websites.
Field Choices and Enumerations
webCOMAND enables fields to be defined with "choices", which is presented as a dropdown field within forms in the Content Manager and when exposed on a front-end
website or app. webCOMAND now enables these choices to be lists of other content, not just pre-defined key/value pairs. This allows field definitions to be much
more flexible and dynamic, allowing field choices to evolve over time as content is edited and organized either by curators or automated processes.
In addition, webCOMAND now provides ENUM functionality in the API, allowing the display value of selected choices to be retrieved using the new ENUM directive in cTemplate
or using the new enum() function in cScript or the API.
webCOMAND has updated its email package to accept other third-party libraries for sending emails. In particular webCOMAND has integrated the PHPMailer library
to allow its emailing functionality to be GDPR compliant. Other libraries can be added by developers as well, documentation on this can be found here.
Web Form Processor
webCOMAND's Web Forms feature enables forms for a website or app to be easily created and funnel submitted content into the backend CMS. Post-processing of
forms, such as emailing interested parties or any other logic, can now be defined as a Web Form Processor and integrated with the front-end form submission process.
webCOMAND Logging
webCOMAND now provides an API for routing all errors, warnings and notices to a log file on the server. This enables events to be more easily reviewed, and log file
locations can be defined with wildcards for the date to enable rolling logs over time.
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
This release of webCOMAND also includes several bug fixes and performance improvements to the Content Manager App, API App, and underlying API code.